Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The End of a Long Road :(

First semester has come and gone; the wind taking it away.  Considering the fact that our class has been doing Blueprint to Brilliance for half a semester, I feel like I have came a far way in my project.  I started off pushing a broken-down lawn mower down the street off the side of the road home to fix up.  Also, I magically got the lawn mower working again and it runs cleanly now (besides the fact the exhausts creates a horrendous smell, but that does not matter).  In the beginning, I wanted to end up fixing up a car for my end project.  Realistically, I don't think that will happen.  Instead, I think I will end up making the lawn mower into a go kart of some fashion.

Sounds ridiculous, I know.  Even my parents are questioning my sanity when I bought a 10 inch pulley for the lawn mower.  Hopefully this will tun out ok without any problems or any fire.

And by the way, Happy Christmas and Feliz Navidad!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Time to become fat!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means its time to get fat! Less importantly, it is also time to be thankful.  With Blueprint to Brilliance, I have learned to be thankful for the little things in life.  I have found out the importance of a portable heater along with  garage space.  Without these two, I would probably be frozen solid working on some dinky lawn mower outside in the snow.  Instead, I am alive!!!  I am also thankful for all the stores around the area.  Thankfully, I have not needed to ship any parts yet; I have always been able to purchase them. It is a little awkward to walk into a construction store as a kid though.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Lets start!

Now that I got the parents approved, I can start working on the engine.  I picked up a small 6.75 hp Briggs and Stratton push mower roughly 1 month ago. 

At the moment, it is in a non-operational condition and does not run.  Looking over it, it looks light I will need to go through and replace the spark plug.  Also, the carburetor looks like a mess so I will need to rebuild that.  While I am at it, I may want to check the piston head to let me see how well maintained the motor because who knows how stupid the people who owned this beforehand were. Who knows, maybe I can fiddle around with the exhaust to make it sound like a Ferrari! The possibilities are endless... 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The plan is announced, and the votes are in

Well I finally gave the dreaded speech for my class a few days ago, and it turned out fine! (Besides the fact of me embarrassing myself by knocking the teachers bowl off her desk).  But, I got a few laughs in and made it a-ok.  During the presentation of pure awesomeness, I put up a picture of a spark plug just to see what people know, which is apparently nothing.  Someone guessed it was a whistle.  I mean go ahead, stick your mouth on it and see what happens, but I personally would not recommend using it as one.
Reaction GIF: wow, whoa, Russel, Up
However with these people not knowing much, they were still able to help me.  I found out that in the real world, money could be a problem and may be a problem in this situation.  I may haft to tweak this project to fit these parameters cause cash is much needed for food, girlfriend, and this project.  Without a job, it may be hard to fund a full car so...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Dreaded Speech...

First off, I give speeches on about a bi-daily basis.  As leader of the FHS Robotics Team, I had to learn how to prepare and give speeches to small audiences with informing them on what we are doing.  This speech to the class should be the same way; informing the students on what I am doing for this project over the next few weeks.  Hopefully the feedback from my peers and classmates will help me develop my final project more.

York School

York School, a school that exists somewhere in the USA.  They posted a video online about their Genius Hour projects that they accomplished.  If you would like to view it, it is here at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xupHuEk8p7g. No one did anything anywhere even remotely close to my topic.  However, I did notice most of these projects were geared towards community outreach while mine is more geared towards me.  This makes me question my project idea and if it fits into the guidelines of the project.  There are plenty of experts in the field of cars ranging from just hobbies to famous car designs, so I should have no problem locating some.

The Critics

Well its settled, I’m going into car restorations and engine rebuilds.  Not like I was going to change my mind from the start, but we do have the option to.  Our class had peer review for our topics.  No one really understood what I was doing or why, but that’s probably because their parents will just buy them a car.  I hope to learn with this project to rebuild/repair a car so I can get a car for the cheap and use it. To learn this, I will look up the millions of general tutorials online.  Nothing specific yet because I’m not sure exactly what car I would like to go into.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


After multiple years of begging and wearing down my parents with a stroke of luck, I finally pressed my parents into allowing me to have my own engine.  This has been years in the making.  They have stopped me from buying and rebuilding a 1966 Volkswagen Beetle, 1981 AM General 6X6, and a 1990's Toyota Camry.  On Wednesday on the way home, I just so happened to stumble upon a Craftsman lawnmower on the side of the road.  Moments latter, it just so happened to appear in my garage calling my name.  I guess settling for a old Craftsman lawnmower could be considered low, but its a start.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

At the very beginning...

Well, its the start of the school year, and that means its time to starts some new projects.  This year, it is a new project called "Genius Hour". I have never heard of this project before; however, it is apparently very popular among teachers K-12, so I thought I would give it a try.  It took me forever to figure out what to research for this project cause I typically don't care for these unguided projects.  I discovered this project is basically along the lines of a monastery-school type of learning.  With me wanting to go into mechanical engineering plus my passion in cars, I decided look into engine rebuilds. I am going to be needing for a car soon for work, so hopefully this could help me rebuild a car on the cheap. Just as long as I don't blow a gasket on the way...