Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Back to School

Well we had a good three week break for Christmas.  Time to go back to school!  Over break, I actually ended up changing up my project a little bit.  Now I decided to go for a motorized skateboard.  After much time looking into the purchase of the a old car, the harsh reality hit me that I would never be able to afford a project like that for a while.  I ended up settling on a lower-budget project that would still correspond to what I want to do.  I settled on either creating a go-kart or a motorized skateboard (both of which are super sick).  Over the break, through some deals I made, I got my hands on a small trans-axle from a riding lawnmower.  Why my friend had one sitting around, who knows, but I have it now!  With this and the engineering skills I have learned from friends and through Blueprints to Brilliance, hopefully I will be able to make one of these dreams a reality.  Future, here we come!


  1. Be sure that you tell McFly about this hoverboard deal. I'm sure he'll be a valuable customer. Hopefully that doesn't go over your head... Still I hope that you actually wear the right gear when you ride either one once you build it. Remember that this thing's going to have a motor on it. We're talking full on motorcycle helmets here.

  2. Sounds like your project is going to turn out to be really cool! However, make sure you listen to Matt. Motorcycle helmets, full body protection suit, whatever. Don't get a head injury from stupidity. 5010 needs you.
    Otherwise, I can't wait to see your hoverboard!
    (By the way, talking to me as I type won't change what I say.)
