Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hanging out with friends, online.

Instead of going off on our projects solo today, we actually got to socialize a little bit and see what others in English class were doing for their projects.
fifth harmony animated GIF
First stop was Sarah's blog.  For her project, she is learning HTML5 and writing about what she knows.  I sit next to her in English and see everything she codes and it's just plain amazing.  Every time she does a blog, it is written in HTML before it is posted.  Code is just something amazing I have never bothered to learn and is witchcraft to me.
Next stop was Matthew.  In his project, he is researching the brain and how it's nerves/emotions work with it.  Now let me say first, his use of GIFs was brilliant and fun to read.  I have always been interested in the brain and its functions in social situations.  It will; be interesting to see what he finds.
Last was my little/older sister Beth.  I do not get to see her much but it was nice to see what she is doing for her project.  She is looking into female role in video games and to see what effects they have on people.  It is very interesting topic and very under-rated in my opinion.  Not many people look into the psychological effect of video games on people, but people play them constantly.  Even kids as young as 5 play them.

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