Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Progress!!! Ish...

It has honestly been a while since I have worked on the skateboard.  It may be just from me not having enough time, but also not wanting to work on it.
But now, I finally have some time so I may get some work done!  I have been working away at the 3D mock-up on Autodesk Inventor and it has been going very well (except for the fact that Inventor wants to kill my project but that's besides the fact).
 I still got to order metal and few more parts, but it's going along!  Hopefully it will be complete by May.


  1. Yo. I'm commenting on this. I'm sure your lack of time is caused in no part from robotics, which I deserve compensation for the work I did yesterday by the way. But I'm throwing it out there that your images aren't pulling up, at least not here at school. But I won't shut up about how you're going to need some serious protection if you're going to be riding a FREAKING MOTOR-POWERED SKATEBOARD... stuff's dangerous...

  2. I'm going to agree with Matt here. You need protection, man. Don't get yourself killed in some stupid freak accident. Your project sounds like it'll be awesome, as long as no one dies. Good luck!
